March 24 - 25, 2026
Postillion Hotel & Convention Centre WTC Rotterdam
Tank Cleaning Magazine provides those within the sector the information they need to make informed decisions about their businesses. With transport logistic providers needing to have their tanks cleaned in a quick and efficient manner and cleaning stations having to respond to these demands, those in the industry as a whole now have the information at their fingertips to help them make informed decisions based on the experience of their peers and ensuring they are kept up-to-date on the very latest technology advancements the industry has to offer.
Tank Cleaning Magazine is sent to all EFTCO members and non-member cleaning stations throughout Europe, meaning its reach is unrivalled, making it the perfect advertising platform for companies in this sector. If you are looking at doing business with transport logistic providers or tank cleaning stations, then Tank Cleaning Magazine should be top of your marketing spend list.
Contact: Claire Smith t: +44 203 551 5751 e: