LogiChem EU 2025

March 18 - 20, 2025

Postillion Hotel & Convention Centre WTC Rotterdam

Hanno Bruemmer

Executive Vice President Supply Chain and Logistics Covestro

Day 1 | 18th March

9:20 AM Panel Discussion: How can you balance multiple conflicting needs of the Antwerp Declaration while also adhering to the Green Deal and staying competitive – is it possible?

  • How to align sustainability initiatives with productivity and profitability without compromising service levels 
  • How to best represent industry needs to influence EU chemical and logistics policy and advocate for the result we need to regain industry momentum and growth 
  • What tactics can help maintain high service levels and on-time delivery while adhering to environmental regulations and objectives? 
  • How to maintain competitiveness in a green economy and balance financial performance with sustainability commitments 

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Hanno.

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