LogiChem EU 2026

March 24 - 25, 2026

Postillion Hotel & Convention Centre WTC Rotterdam

Pablo Nosti Fernández

Global Procurement Director, Strategy, Enablement and Service Centre DuPont

Pablo Nosti has more than 20 years experience in leading multinational teams in manufacturing, procurement, shared services and supply chain. In his current role – Logistics Manager, he is responsible for Logistics Procurement, Leveraged Logistics Operations and Customs & Trade Compliance across Europe Middle East and Africa. The mission of the Logistics organization in DuPont is to create a sustainable, competitive advantage across all Business Units and reduce the environmental footprint within its supply chains. In addition, during the last 2 years DuPont is undergoing a deep transformation with the merge of equals with Dow completed in September 2017, and the intended split into three strong independent companies that will become global leaders in Agriculture, Materials Science and Specialty Products.

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Pablo Nosti.

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