LogiChem EU 2026

March 24 - 25, 2026

Postillion Hotel & Convention Centre WTC Rotterdam

Wesley Haaksma

Strategic Account Executive Shippeo

Wesley is strategic account executive at Shippeo, helping customers achieve E2E supply chain visibility through Shippeo’s leading platform. Prior to joining Shippeo, Wesley was a supply chain strategy consultant and project manager. Overall, he has more than 12 years experience in a wide range of supply chain related activities across several industry verticals. In this capacity, Wesley has helped several companies to incorporate resilience in their supply chain design. Conducting resilience assessments, determining mitigation strategies and establishing risk-reward trade-offs are his specialty. As a result, Wesley is well positioned to help supply chain executives increase supply chain resilience through Shippeo's platform.

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Wesley.

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